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Goal: Reduce the U.S. commercial fatality risk by 50 percent from 2010 to 2025.

CAST’s initial goal was to reduce the commercial aviation fatality risk in the United States by 80 percent from 1998 to 2008. By 2008, CAST was able to report that by implementing the most promising safety enhancements, the fatality risk of commercial air travel in the United States was reduced by 83 percent.

CAST’s goal over the next decade is to transition to prognostic safety analysis. CAST aims to reduce the remaining U.S. commercial fatality risk by 50 percent from 2010 to 2025 and continue to work with our international partners to reduce fatality risk in worldwide commercial aviation.

Mission: Enable a continuous improvement framework built on the proactive identification of current and future risks, developing mitigations as needed and monitoring the effectiveness of implemented actions.

Since its inception in 1997, CAST has evolved beyond the “historic” approach of examining past accident data to a proactive approach that focuses on detecting risk and implementing mitigation strategies before accidents or serious incidents occur.

The transition to prognostic safety analysis requires greater emphasis on acquiring, sharing, and analyzing aviation safety data from across the aviation community. CAST is leveraging the data to identify emerging and changing risks and proactively adopting voluntary safety enhancements to mitigate the risks.

Voluntary safety programs such as the Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP), Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) program, and Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP) are providing air carriers and the Government insight into millions of operations so potential systemic safety issues and trends are identified.

Vision: Key aviation stakeholders acting cooperatively to lead the worldwide aviation community to the highest levels of global commercial aviation safety by focusing on the right things.

The FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program is evolving but has matured to the point that the FAA and industry can now leverage voluntarily provided safety data representing 99 percent of U.S. air carrier commercial operations.

ASIAS connects a wide variety of safety data and information sources across industry and works closely with Government industry safety teams like CAST to monitor known risks, evaluate the effectiveness of deployed mitigations, and detect emerging risks. Safety mitigation strategies identified by CAST are voluntarily implemented by its community. Over the years, CAST had adopted over 100 safety enhancements with several based on information derived from non-accident data.

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